love, life & everything in between
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Monday, April 26, 2010

She's a gypsy

I think this will be one of the most memorable portraits I'll ever take.

The Kushti Bok and it's wares hanging out.

Some Kushti Bok love

Back in January while spending a few days in Kingscliff my path crossed with a 74 Kombi named the Kushti Bok (meaning good luck/ good fortune) and it's owners Max and Gypsy. Had I gone swimming at the beach that day instead of deciding to venture up to the creek I would have missed them.
So I was making my way to the creek and noticed their set up a little ways over in the grassy area. Curiosity got the better of me, I wandered over to have a closer look. I saw that they held workshops and did readings of various kinds. Anyone who knows me well knows that I love a good reading and for the past 6 months I'd been craving one. Gypsy did the readings (she was down on the shore collecting washed up jasper for her trinket making) so I sat chatting to Max while I waited for her return.
I learnt the Kombi was their home and they travelled around the East of Australia selling their trinkets and charms and work at markets, fairs and festivals, much like traditional gypsies. Gypsy came back and she chose to do some 'chakra' work and 'colour interpretation therapy' with me (which is a tool for assessing what ails the spirit body, recognising energy needs and how to block others from taking your energy unwillingly). It was an unforgettable experience for me, this lady had such a warm energy and incredible gift. I stayed for the next couple of hours and she taught me about capturing 'orbs' in my photographs (orbs look like little circles of light that are actually spirit guides surrounding us) and showed me photos taken by herself and others where orbs have been captured. Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful story Toni, you were meant to find them that day. I love the portrait of Gypsy.
    Sheye xx
